Arrays – SSH command option with bash for loop

SSH command option with bash for loop… here is a solution to the problem.

SSH command option with bash for loop

I want to symbolically link the elements of two arrays. For example, array1 = (AAA BBB CCC DDD), ARRAY2 = (001 002 003 004), 001->AAA, 002->BBB, 003->CCC, AND 004 ->DDD

Below is the shell script I wrote, but no, I can’t think of anything wrong.

declare -a array1=(AAA BBB CCC DDD)
declare -a array2=(001 002 003 004)
num = ${#array1[@]}
ssh username@hostmachine 'for((i = 0 ; i < $num ; i++ )); do ln -sf ${array1[$i]} ${array2[$i]}; done' 

Can anyone give me some tips/advice? Thank you in advance.


You should include all bash code in the parameters of ssh as follows:

ssh username@hostmachine 'declare -a array1=(AAA BBB CCC DDD); declare -a array2=(001 002 003 004); num = ${#array1[@]}; for((i = 0 ; i < $num ; i++ )); do ln -sf ${array1[$i]} ${array2[$i]}; done'

Otherwise, the ssh

bash code will not be able to access the arrays you defined earlier because they are defined in your computer, not in your ssh machine.

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