Java – DateTimeFormatter does not use Arabic or Bengali native numbers

DateTimeFormatter does not use Arabic or Bengali native numbers… here is a solution to the problem.

DateTimeFormatter does not use Arabic or Bengali native numbers

I’m trying to display a specific time in a TextView using the DateTimeFormatter API, but whenever I run my app my device is set to Arabic or Bengali, somehow the time always seems to show Western numerals. Is this intentional, or is there something I need to do to fix this?


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

val localizedTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedTime(FormatStyle.SHORT)

val timeOpen = LocalTime.of(9, 30)
        val timeClose = LocalTime.of(17, 15)

tv_time.text = (timeOpen.format(localizedTimeFormatter) +
                "\n\n" + timeClose.format(localizedTimeFormatter))

Clock app (Arabic).

enter image description here

My app (Arabic).

enter image description here

Clock app (Bengali).

enter image description here

My app (Bengali).

enter image description here


This is by design. DateTimeFormatter's instances, even localized ones, use Western/ASCII numerals unless explicitly stated otherwise. The instructions are not difficult when you know how to do it:

    DateTimeFormatter localizedTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter
LocalTime timeOpen = LocalTime.of(9, 30);
    LocalTime timeClose = LocalTime.of(17, 15);
String text = timeOpen.format(localizedTimeFormatter)
            + '\n' + timeClose.format(localizedTimeFormatter);

Output of the Bengali locale (bn-BD):

৯:৩০ AM
৫:১৫ PM

Arabic (ar):

٩:٣٠ ص
٥:١٥ م

I hope you can translate my Java code yourself. I believe it shouldn’t be difficult.

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