Java – How to delete Java flight records

How to delete Java flight records… here is a solution to the problem.

How to delete Java flight records


have a Java flight record that I would like to share. Unfortunately, Java flight records contain user names and passwords in system properties and environment variables (JMC correctly warns of this). Is there a way to remove all system properties and environment variables from the Java flight record so I can share it?


Delete an existing recording

Recordings can be deleted using the jfr tool included with JDK 19 or later:

$ jfr scrub --exclude-events
  jdk. InitialSystemProperty,jdk. InitialEnvironmentVariable

The tool should also work for logging earlier JDK versions, perhaps back to JDK 11.


You can verify that it has been deleted using the print command:


$ jfr print --events
  jdk. InitialSystemProperty,jdk. InitialEnvironmentVariable
jdk. InitialSystemProperty {
  startTime = 11:03:27.197 (2022-10-19)
  key = "java.vm.compressedOopsMode"
  value = "Zero based"
jdk. InitialEnvironmentVariable {
  startTime = 11:03:27.197 (2022-10-19)
  key = "TERM_PROGRAM"
  value = "Apple_Terminal"

After :

$ jfr print --events
  jdk. InitialSystemProperty,jdk. InitialEnvironmentVariable

Disable events

In JDK 17, you can also close events from the command line:

$ java 
  jdk. InitialEnvironmentVariable#enabled=false,
  jdk. InitialSystemProperty#enabled=false

For versions earlier than JDK 17, you can disable event jdk in JMC. InitialEnvironmentVariable and jdk. InitialSystemProperty。 Record in the GUI Wizard, or by creating a custom .jfc file. Go to Windows -> Template Manager and provide the custom .jfc on the command line as follows:

$ java -XX:StartFlightRecording=settings=/path/custom.jfc

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