Java – How to write an slf4j logger that adds an esapi filter for all parameters

How to write an slf4j logger that adds an esapi filter for all parameters… here is a solution to the problem.

How to write an slf4j logger that adds an esapi filter for all parameters

We use the SLF4J interface, and our logger configuration is in the logback.xml file.

We have a parameter that needs to filter all the parameters sent to the logger through the ESAPI html encoding filter. The ugly solution is to simply use “ESAPI.getEncoder().encodeForHTML(..)” Wrap every parameter, but a better solution requires steps that I haven’t fully mastered yet.

I’ve seen Implement Custom Logger with slf4j and OWASP-ESAPI logger help needed . The first option in the first answer seems interesting, but I don’t quite understand what that means, or how to implement it.


think the first post provided information on how to implement a custom logger, but I needed a custom recorder that just provided a look on top of the “default” recorder (whatever that means).


The latest version of ESAPI ( includes support for SLF4J. For more information, see the release notes:

If you have questions about how to use it, please post to the list of ESAPI users referenced in ESAPI, displayed in the

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