Java – In Scala, a helper constructor with multiple parameters

In Scala, a helper constructor with multiple parameters… here is a solution to the problem.

In Scala, a helper constructor with multiple parameters

I have a class initialized with integers and collections. I want to create a helper constructor with integers and multiple arguments. These multiple parameters should be the contents of the collection.

I need help calling the main constructor with the appropriate parameters.

final class Soccer[A](max: Int, collection_num: Set[A]) {

Auxiliary Constructor
 new Soccer(n,A,B,C)` is equivalent to `new Soccer(n,Set(A,B,C))`.
This constructor requires at least two candidates in order to avoid ambiguities with the
 primary constructor.

def this(max: Int, first: A, second: A, other: A*) = {
I need help calling the primary constructor with suitable arguments.


New Soccer(n,A,B,C

) should be equivalent to new Soccer(n,Set(A,B,C)).


Try defining factory apply method on the companion object instead of a secondary constructor like this

object Soccer {
  def apply[A](max: Int, first: A, second: A, other: A*): Soccer[A] = {
    new Soccer(max, Set[A](first, second) ++ other.toSet)

Now build Soccer like this


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