Java – Is there a way to use a custom executor in Hazelcast?

Is there a way to use a custom executor in Hazelcast?… here is a solution to the problem.

Is there a way to use a custom executor in Hazelcast?

Custom executors can be configured using ExecutorConfig, for example:

Config config = new Config();

This eventually creates some java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor child objects.

But how can I specify the custom-created java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService implementation as some named executor in Hazelcast?


It is currently not possible to create a custom j.u.c.ExecutorService managed by Hazelcast (the current latest GA versions are 3.12.5 and 4.0 coming soon). All executors share the same cache thread pool using a separate task queue for each custom executor (see CachedExecutorServiceDelegate )。 This shared thread pool is an instance of j.u.c. ThreadPoolExecutor.

I think it should be fairly easy to add it as a new feature. You can create an issue in Issue Tracker or better yet, send a pull request with an implementation.

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