Java – Maven Android plugin with Android Support Library v7

Maven Android plugin with Android Support Library v7… here is a solution to the problem.

Maven Android plugin with Android Support Library v7

I build my Android application using Maven-Android-Plugin, which relies on the Android support libraries v4 and v7.
Because I didn’t find out how to download the entire SDK from, I didn’t use the Maven Android Deployee tool to set up a local repository for the Android SDK. So I want to use the support library included in adt-bundle, here’s how I wrote the dependencies in pom.xml:


The first two were written by me at the beginning, but Maven reported a mistake:

No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'.

Then I added a third one. I zipped the v7 project and renamed it to .apklib. But it still doesn’t work.
Finally I added the last one, but it doesn’t work either. So how do you write the right pom to solve this problem?
My System Information:

Apache Maven 3.0.4
Java version: 1.7.0_25, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Android Platform Version:4.3
Android Maven Plugin:3.6.0


When I played with this, I added a <type>jar</type> and a <type>


  • I did this:
  • My pom file looks like this:


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