Java – Set the predefined value to MultiAutoCompleteTextView : Android

Set the predefined value to MultiAutoCompleteTextView : Android… here is a solution to the problem.

Set the predefined value to MultiAutoCompleteTextView : Android


have to set some predefined values for MultiAutoCompleteTextView (before I select from the suggestion dropdown). It’s as if you selected 2-3 items from the drop-down list. After setting these predefined values, I want to continue the normal process of filtering from the list again and add it to MultiAutoCompleteTextView.

It looks like this

Predefined1, Predefined2, Predefined3,  

If I do setText(…) like I would with TextView or EditText, separating the values with some commas, it will treat it as 1 full word and add a comma ending.

Please suggest me how to implement it.


Good. Let me explain in detail. I’m working on this and this Targets in . However, an additional requirement is that in addition to selecting values from the suggested dropdown, I need to set some predefined values when displaying the View, and when I write something and hit enter/hide the keyboard, anything I write should be converted to button text.
If that’s not possible, are there other options? Please make suggestions.


enter image description here

These values should be in View without selecting from a drop-down list. After that, whichever users are added from the suggested drop-down list, those users should also be added to the list.

It’s like setting a prompt or some text to EditText before the user starts typing.

Thank you.

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