Java – Why is this if statement skipped?

Why is this if statement skipped?… here is a solution to the problem.

Why is this if statement skipped?

Can you tell me why the following if statement was skipped?
I want to check if my mAlphabetCode contains 0-9 literals instead of 0 to 9.

        // check if alphabet code is numeric
        if (mAlphabetCode.equals("0-9")){
            mAlphabetCode = "-";

The complete code is as follows:

    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {

if (parent.getId() == {
         store data to be pass
        Intent mIntent = new Intent(this, AchList.class);
        mIntent.putExtra("mPageUrl", mGameList.get(position).getItemPageUrl());
        mIntent.putExtra("mGameTitle", mGameList.get(position).getTitle());

 start activity and page animation

} else if (parent.getId() == {
         get alphabet code
        String mAlphabetCode = parent.getAdapter().getItem(position).toString().toLowerCase();

 check if alphabet code is numeric
        if (mAlphabetCode.equals("0-9")){
            mAlphabetCode = "-";

 build page url
        mGameListUrl = mGameListUrl.substring(0, (mGameListUrl.length() - 2) ) + mAlphabetCode + "/";

mAlphabetMenu.setItemChecked(position, true);

 close browsing menu

 make network request
        mStringRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, mGameListUrl, onSuccess(), onError());

This is what the debugger says mAlphabetCode contains before hitting the if statement:

enter image description here

My error is in my strings.xml file:

    <!-- strings of arrays -->
<string-array name="slide_menu_alphabet">
    <item>0&#8211; 9</item>

I have changed the project from 0-9 to 0 – ; 9 (the pitch shows the numbers so much) as the theme of the AndroidStudio IDE, thanks to @user1873880 and David Cesarino, I changed to 0 – ; 9 (the pitch is so numerically displayed), it works well now.

Thanks for your help.


The problem is that the “-” character in the code is actually the integer 45, while in the debugger it is 8211, which means it is a different character. You can verify this with some logs, just try to see this value (int) '-'.

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