Linux – Is there an automatic way to find out shared object dependencies?

Is there an automatic way to find out shared object dependencies?… here is a solution to the problem.

Is there an automatic way to find out shared object dependencies?

I’m looking for something that will list all Unresolved dependencies in SO, taking into account SOs in its dependencies.


I’m converting a lot of statically compiled code to a shared object in Linux – apart from trial and error when trying to load it, is there an easy way to determine what other SOs my recently compiled SO depends on?

I’m sure there’s a better way, but I haven’t found it yet.

I found “ldd”, but it only lists the dependencies that SO says.
I also use “nm” to determine when an SO fails to load to verify that other SOs contain it.



don’t have the code for you, but I can point it :

It’s just a graphical issue. You should use objdump -T to dump a dynamic symbol table for a given binary or shared object. You’ll see a lot of line output, and the flags might be a bit confusing, but the important part is that these symbols are *UND* or they will have segment names (.text etc.).

Any time you see *UND*, it means that it is an undefined symbol that must be resolved. The defined symbol is the target of the resolution.

With that, plus a little Python, you should be able to find what you need.

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