Linux – The curl stream output is read line by line and contains conditions

The curl stream output is read line by line and contains conditions… here is a solution to the problem.

The curl stream output is read line by line and contains conditions

I have an API URL that allows monitoring certain events. I can curl “” with a simple code All logs are in text format and it never ends, so I just run the curl command and leave it there.

Now I want to set some conditions if the log contains keyword then do something.

The log looks like this, it looks like json, but it’s text and not json

    "location": "Place A"
    "lag": "033"
    "size": "5543"
    "id": "11",
    "location": "Place B"
    "lag": "033"
    "size": "5543"
    "id": "11",

So far, I can filter the log grep error |./ by curl ""2>&1 |

As the number of events increases, I want to grep more keywords, eg. grep WrongOperation, grep WrongButton Then I want to run a different bash file.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to run them separately, eg

"" 2>&1 | grep Error` | ./
"" 2>&1 | grep WrongOperation` | ./
"" 2>&1 | grep WrongButton` | ./

So I’m wondering if it’s possible to use the output of while loop curl and include multiple conditions, like

while IFS= read -r line (from curl)
  if [[ "$line" == *"WrongOperation"* ]]; then
    do something
    [[ "$line" == *"WrongButton"* ]]


No while + read loops, things like that.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

  curl "" 2>&1 |
  grep -E 'Error| WrongOperation| WronButton' 

printf '%s\n' "$output"

if [[ $output =~ Error ]]; then
  echo ./
elif [[ $output =~ WrongOperation ]]; then
  echo ./
elif [[ $output =~ WronButton ]]; then
  echo ./

If you are satisfied with the output, remove the echo.

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