Python – How do I import a python file in a bash script? (Using python values in my bash script)

How do I import a python file in a bash script? (Using python values in my bash script)… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I import a python file in a bash script? (Using python values in my bash script)


was wondering if it was possible to include a python script in a bash script to write (in a bash script) the return value of a function I wrote in a python program?

For example:
My file “” has a function that returns the variable value “my_value” (representing the filename, but anyway)
I want to create a bash script that must be able to execute a command line like “ingest my_value”

So how do you know how to include a python file in a bash script (import …?) And how to call the values in the python file in a bash script?

Thank you in advance.


Actually, my python file looks like this:

class formEvents():
    def __init__(self):
    def myFunc1(self): # function which returns the name of a file that the user choose in his computeur
    return name_file        

def myFunc2(self): # function which calls an existing bash script ( in writing the name_file inside it (in the middle of a line)['./'])


I don’t know if it’s clear enough, but here’s my problem: it’s able to write name_file in



The easiest way to do this is through the standard the UNIX pipeline and your shell.

Here is an example:


echo $my_value

File .py:

#!/usr/bin/env python

def my_function():
    return "my_value"

if __name__ == "__main__":

The way it works is simple:

  1. You start the
  2. Bash spawns a child process and runs the python
  3. Python (and the interpretation of runs the function my_function and prints its return value to the Standard Output <
  4. Bash captures the “standard output” of Python processes in my_value
  5. Bash then simply echoes the value stored in the my_value to “standard output” as well, and you should see “my_value” printed to the shell/terminal.

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