Python – chmod with group inheritance rwx only for users and groups

chmod with group inheritance rwx only for users and groups… here is a solution to the problem.

chmod with group inheritance rwx only for users and groups

In order to create a shared folder for a given group of users, I need to have inherited restricted directory permissions.
The goal is that only root and user members of the specified group can read and write internal content by inheriting these permissions to future content in my directory. Something like this:

drwxrws--- 2 root terminator  6 28 mai   11:15 test

I can get it with 2 chmod calls :

chgrp terminator test

chmod 770 test
chmod g+s

It would be nice to do this in one command if you use a number mask. I need to use a mask because it’s a python script and should use os.chmod() to do the job. Thanks!


os.chmod is exactly the same as the chmod utility, but you need to remember that the argument to chmod is a string representing a bitmap in octal notation instead of decimal. This means equivalent to

chmod 2770 test


os.chmod('test', 0o2770)

You may have used os.chmod('test', 2770), which is octal 5322, which is consistent with the bitmask you seem to get.

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