Regex – Is there a way to filter text files using grep (or any other tool) so that you can get the parts of the file that are enclosed in curly braces or square brackets?

Is there a way to filter text files using grep (or any other tool) so that you can get the parts of the file that are enclosed in curly braces or square brackets?… here is a solution to the problem.

Is there a way to filter text files using grep (or any other tool) so that you can get the parts of the file that are enclosed in curly braces or square brackets?

I have several files that look like this :

universe = {
    ["stars"] = {
        ["Sun"] = {
            ["planets"] = "9",
            ["life"] = "Yes",
            ["asteroid"] = "9001"
        ["Alpha Centauri"] = {
            ["planets"] = "3",
            ["life"] = "No",
            ["asteroid"] = "20"
        ["Rigel"] = {
            ["planets"] = "5",
            ["life"] = "No",
            ["asteroid"] = "11"

For example, my intention is to find every block where [“life”] equals “No”. I realized if it could be handled better in a database (or something with structure), but I’m not sure how to convert that data into that.


have a bunch of files in this format and I want to run a command to show the part where the condition is true (up to the direct parent parenthesis), so for the previous example I’d love to get:

        ["Alpha Centauri"] = {
            ["planets"] = "3",
            ["life"] = "No",
            ["asteroid"] = "20"
        ["Rigel"] = {
            ["planets"] = "5",
            ["life"] = "No",
            ["asteroid"] = "11"

Can this be done with GREP? Or is there another tool that can do something like this?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Example 2:


Try this Lua program:

local function find(w,t,p)
    for k,v in pairs(t) do
        if v==w then
            print(p..".".. k)
        elseif type(v)=="table" then
            find(w,v,p..".".. k)


Add the definition of universe before this code.

If you really want to do text processing, try this :

universe = {

for w in S:gmatch('%b[] = {[^{]-"No".-},?') do

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