Conjure Minor Elementals 5e

You summon elemental creatures and make them appear in an unoccupied space within the cast range that you can see.

Conjure Minor Elementals

  • Level: 4
  • Casting time: 1 Minute
  • Range: 90 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Choose one of the following options as the appearing creature:

· An elemental creature with a challenge level of 2 or lower

· Two elemental creatures with challenge level 1 or lower

· Four elemental creatures with challenge level 1/2 or lower

· Eight elemental creatures with challenge level 1/4 or lower

Each elemental creature summoned by the spell disappears when its health drops to zero, or when the spell ends.

The summoned creature maintains a friendly relationship with you and your partner.

All creatures summoned each time are regarded as a group to throw the initiative, and get their own action round accordingly. They obey all language commands issued by you (no action required).

If you do not issue any commands, these creatures will protect themselves before the hostile creatures, and if there is no hostile creatures, they will not perform any action.

The specific values ​​of these creatures are controlled by the DM.Ascending ring cast effect.

When casting this spell with a higher spell slot, choose one of the summoning options described above and reveal more creatures: 6 ring spell slots show twice as many creatures, and 8 ring spell slots show three as many creatures.