Java – Assigning static final values from companion objects is not allowed in comments

Assigning static final values from companion objects is not allowed in comments… here is a solution to the problem.

Assigning static final values from companion objects is not allowed in comments

I created a class in Kotlin:

class Extras {
    companion object {
        var EXTRA_NAME: String? = null

fun setExtraName() {
           var extraName: String? = null
           EXTRA_NAME = extraName

I call setExtraName() in onCreate() of the Application class.

Then pass the EXTRA_NAME to the annotation of the method (defined in Java):

static final String EXTRA_NAME = Extras.Companion.getEXTRA_NAME();

void doSomething() {

However, I get the following error:

Attribute value must be constant



Solve this problem

Compilation succeeded

annotation class Test(
    val value: String

object Keys {
    const val API_KEY = "AB"

fun doSomething() {


const makes the value compile-time constant, which allows it to be swapped into comments.

Why is this needed

Since annotation processors have access to annotations before runtime, they must be compile-time constants, which is why they must be defined using const in Kotlin.

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