Java – Enables map to print fruits not in any order, but from lowest to most expensive

Enables map to print fruits not in any order, but from lowest to most expensive… here is a solution to the problem.

Enables map to print fruits not in any order, but from lowest to most expensive

I’m trying to create a class to represent a fruit store and want to output the available fruits sorted by price from lowest to most expensive. But even if I add the price to my FruitPricesMap in order from cheapest to most expensive, does it always print fruits in the same arbitrary order? How can I get it not to do this?


import java.util.*;

public class FruitStore {

private Map<String, Double> fruitPricesMap;

public FruitStore() {
        fruitPricesMap = new HashMap<>();

public boolean addOrUpdateFruit(String fruitName, double fruitPrice) {
        fruitPricesMap.put(fruitName, fruitPrice);
        return true;

public void printAvaliableFruit() {
        System.out.println("Avaliable Fruit:");
        for (String key : fruitPricesMap.keySet()) {
            System.out.printf("%-15s  %.2f", key, fruitPricesMap.get(key));



public class FruitStoreApp {

public static void main(String[] args) {
        FruitStore fs = new FruitStore();
        fs.addOrUpdateFruit("Banana", 1.00);
        fs.addOrUpdateFruit("Apple", 2.00);
        fs.addOrUpdateFruit("Cherries", 3.00);


Current output

Avaliable Fruit:
Apple            2.00
Cherries         3.00
Banana           1.00 

The desired output (lowest to highest) :**


Avaliable Fruit:
Banana           1.00
Apple            2.00
Cherries         3.00


You should use TreeMap and specify the order you want in the custom comparator.

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