Java: Encode mailto links using themes and plain text multi-line bodies

Java: Encode mailto links using themes and plain text multi-line bodies … here is a solution to the problem.

Java: Encode mailto links using themes and plain text multi-line bodies

I googled a lot but couldn’t find a solution to the problem. I need to encode the mailto: link with subject and body as UTF-8 in java.

The body consists of plain text

There is no way to encode:


  • entire string in UTF-8, for example Ä to %C3%84S
  • Blank to %20 instead of +
  • \

  • r\n Enter %0D%0A
  • / to %2f

Thanks for your help!


You want URLEncode.encode(String s, String enc) method. The second argument should be the string UTF-8.

It does encode spaces as + instead of %20, which is valid for query parameters; You can always make it a special case and replace all the former with the latter. Example:

import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class Foobar {
  private static Pattern space = Pattern.compile("\\+");
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String first = URLEncoder.encode("Ä+ \r\n/", "UTF-8");
    String second = space.matcher(first).replaceAll("%20");

This output:


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