Java – How to store a list of adb devices on a network into a PHP array

How to store a list of adb devices on a network into a PHP array… here is a solution to the problem.

How to store a list of adb devices on a network into a PHP array

Run the command:

$output = shell_exec("adb devices -l");

echo  "$output";

Get output like this:

List of devices attached      device product:tbltevzw model:SM_N915V device:tbltevzw       device product:ghost_verizon model:XT1060 device:ghost

Can someone help store this information into a php associative array?


// remove extra spaces, then split into array by new lines
$arr = explode("\n", preg_replace('/  +/',' ',$x));
array_shift($arr);  remove 1-st line
$result = Array();
foreach($arr as $v)
    $tmp = explode(' ',$v);  split each line into words
    list($ip,$port) = explode(':',$tmp[0]);
    $item = Array('ip'=>$ip, 'port'=>$port);    
    array_shift($tmp);  remove IP:PORT
    array_shift($tmp);  remove DEVICE
    foreach($tmp as $n)
        list($key,$data) = explode(':',$n);  split by :
        $item[$key] = $data;  accumulate key/data pairs
    $result[] = $item;  append device to the result array

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