Java – Mahout: To read a custom input file

Mahout: To read a custom input file… here is a solution to the problem.

Mahout: To read a custom input file

I was playing with Mahout and found that FileDataModel accepts data in the following format


I have some data in format


What is the best/easiest way to use this dataset on Mahout?


One way is to create Extension of FileDataModel. You need to override readUserIDFromString(String value) A method that uses some kind of parser to convert. You can use IDMigrator One of the implementations. , as Sean suggested.

For example, suppose you have an initialized one MemoryIDMigrator , you can do this:

protected long readUserIDFromString(String stringID) {
    long result = memoryIDMigrator.toLongID(stringID); 
    memoryIDMigrator.storeMapping(result, stringID);
    return result;

This way you can also use memoryIDMigrator for reverse mapping. If you don’t need it, you can hash it the way it is in your implementation (in AbstractIDMigrator 中).

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