Java – Maven and installation command line programs

Maven and installation command line programs… here is a solution to the problem.

Maven and installation command line programs

What is the recommended way to write a command-line program in Java that uses Maven as a build system, from there to use the program as a command?

Suppose the program is named Foo. In the foo directory, I can run the mvn package to generate target/foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT .jar, which can then be used with java -cp target/foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar foo. Main %* But the command is too long for the user to type. I need to understand the point where typing foo on the command line will run the program. MVN install no; It simply copies the jar to the local maven repository.

What is the recommended way to provide the program as a command?


You can use Maven Assembler Plugin like this:

                        <mainClass>sandbox. Main</mainClass>

Running the MVN package will generate a Windows (.bat) and Unix shell script in the bin folder of the ${}/appassembler subfolder

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