Java – Should I delete the dist folder of the project I made in netbeans?

Should I delete the dist folder of the project I made in netbeans?… here is a solution to the problem.

Should I delete the dist folder of the project I made in netbeans?

I’m creating a project and its size is increasing every day (in GB). It’s a normal database project made up of a cool GUI and some jar files. You’ll wonder what size it is now 1.34Gbs. enter image description here

I found a folder called dist and it takes up 1.23GB.
enter image description here

My question is, should I delete this dist folder, or if it has any major role in my project.

The dist folder contains these files.
enter image description here

Is there any way to reduce my project space?


These files are created by the Build option in NetBeans. This means that these are cross-platform executable versions of your project. Deleting them will not cause any damage to your source files.

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