Java – Smali code versus Java source code when reverse engineering Android applications

Smali code versus Java source code when reverse engineering Android applications… here is a solution to the problem.

Smali code versus Java source code when reverse engineering Android applications


was just looking at the Android reverse engineering tutorial and I found that most of them modify the SMALI code after decompiling the APK instead of the actual Java source code, is this the reason?

Thanks for any help.



Most of the time, what you get from decompilation is not a complete/correct/compilable Java source code.

It’s just a hard The problem of extrapolating (Java) source code from bytecode. In addition, some information in the source code may simply be lost in the compiled form, such as the names of local variables or parameters, so they cannot be recovered by decompiling.

In contrast, converting bytecode to low-level (SMALI) instructions (and vice versa) is trivial.

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