Java – Why is there no class CqlStorage in the latest version of apache-cassandra-X.X.X.X.jar

Why is there no class CqlStorage in the latest version of apache-cassandra-X.X.X.X.jar… here is a solution to the problem.

Why is there no class CqlStorage in the latest version of apache-cassandra-X.X.X.X.jar

The class org.apache.cassandra.hadoop.pig.CqlStorage is a pig Cassandra driver.

This class exists in the following versions of Cassandra

  • 2.0.5 (apache-cassandra-2.0.5.jar)
  • 2.1.12 (apache-cassandra-2.1.12.jar)

But it is missing in the latest version

  • 2.2.4 (apache-cassandra-2.2.4.jar)
  • 3.0.0 (apache-cassandra-3.0.0-alpha1.jar)

Not sure why it was discontinued and what the same replacement is.


Check out the JIRA about it here —

Nobody’s currently responsible for Pig code. As a result, there is nobody to fix the issues, or even fix the failing tests (of which we unfortunately have plenty). Those tests take time to run, constantly hang, and fail with cryptic errors that we don’t know how to fix and don’t have enough resources to investigate.
Thus I propose we deprecate Pig support in 2.2 and remove it in 3.0.

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