Legend Lore 5e

Name or describe a person, or a place, an object. And use spelling to form a brief summary of important rumors about the thing in your mind. The rumors may be recent rumors, or forgotten stories or secret stories that were never known.

Legend Lore

  • Level: 5
  • Casting time: 10 Minutes
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M
  • Duration: Instantaneous

If the thing has no legend, you will not get any information. The more information you have about your goals, the more precise and detailed the information you get.

The information you get from this must be accurate, but it may still be expressed in obscure words.

For example, if you are holding a mysterious magic axe, this spell may give you the following message: “The axe is jealous, and the evil one who touches it is punished by his pain, even the bare body of the axe will bite the evil one. Hand. The true power of the axe is sleeping, only the real son of stone-those who adore Moradin and are nostalgic for it, can wake them up when they sing Rudnogg in the lips.”