Python – How to create a sample IPSec packet using python scapy

How to create a sample IPSec packet using python scapy… here is a solution to the problem.

How to create a sample IPSec packet using python scapy

I’ll create a VPN tunnel between the two routers. So I need to send some raw packets generated by scapy through the VPN tunnel. Basically I need to generate some raw IPSec packets.


This is scapy’s IPSec test file

It provides many examples, such as


import socket

p = IP(src='', dst='')
p /= TCP(sport=45012, dport=80)
p /= Raw('testdata')
p = IP(raw(p))

sa = SecurityAssociation(ESP, spi=0x222,
                         crypt_algo='NULL', crypt_key=None,
                         auth_algo='NULL', auth_key=None)

e = sa.encrypt(p)

assert(isinstance(e, IP))
assert(e.src == '' and e.dst == '')
assert(e.chksum != p.chksum)
assert(e.proto == socket. IPPROTO_ESP)
assert(not e.haslayer(TCP))
assert(e[ESP].spi == sa.spi)
assert(b'testdata' in e[ESP].data)

d = sa.decrypt(e)

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