Python – How to stop matching file lines after the first match

How to stop matching file lines after the first match… here is a solution to the problem.

How to stop matching file lines after the first match

I need to create a loop:

  1. Read the contents of files in the list in the format Hostname-YYMMDD.txt;

  2. Matches specific content in a line in this text file;

  3. Stop on first match (ignore duplicates);

  4. Print a specific portion of this row in an Excel worksheet.

So far I failed at point 3.

import os
import xlsxwriter
import re

MyPath = "FileDirectory" #e.g. "MyDocuments/Python"
MyHost = "Hostname" # e.g. "Router1_Loc1"
Host_Probes = []

# Loop: Populate Host_Probes []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(MyPath, topdown=False):
    for names in files:
        if MyHost in names:

# List with locations of all log files for the TargetHost
Probe_Paths = [MyPath + s for s in Host_Probes]

# Excel file and sheet:
workbook = xlsxwriter. Workbook('MyFile'.xlsx)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Sheet1')
row = 2 #Row:3
col = 2 #Col:C

# Here I "tell" Python to write the Line that says "CPU utilization" 
# For a given day and then write the CPU utilization for the next day
# in the next column:

for s in Probe_Paths:
    with open (s) as Probe:
        for fileLine in Probe:
            if "Core0: CPU utilization" in fileLine:
                worksheet.write(row, col, int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', fileLine)))
            elif "Core1: CPU utilization" in fileLine:
                worksheet.write(row +1, col, int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', fileLine)))
                col +=1


The problem is that this output duplicates some files, so instead of filling once, it is written twice in the file.

The first time I encounter rows with the content “Core0:CPU utilization” and “Core1:CPU utilization”, I can’t get the loop to stop matching.
Is there a way for Python to just write the first match and move to the next string of list Probe_Paths?

Hope someone points me to.


You can create a flag variable to indicate whether you have seen the line you want to write

for s in Probe_Paths:
    with open (s) as Probe:
        seen = [0, 0]
        if "Core0: CPU utilization" in fileLine and not seen[0]:
            worksheet.write(row, col, int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', fileLine)))
            seen[0] = 1
        elif "Core1: CPU utilization" in fileLine and not seen[1]:
            worksheet.write(row +1, col, int(re.sub('[^0-9]', '', fileLine)))
            seen[1] = 1
        col +=1

# have both, can stop looking in the file
        # will not increment col for skipped lines
        if all(seen):

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