Python – Monitor child process resources over time in python

Monitor child process resources over time in python… here is a solution to the problem.

Monitor child process resources over time in python

I’m currently trying to monitor the memory usage of my child processes over time to generate graphs.

This code seems to fix the problem, but I don’t really like the “over time” loop I made because you can see it’s a basic while true loop.

from subprocess import Popen
import psutil

process = Popen(["python", ""])
ps = psutil. Process(

while process.poll() is None:

I want to tweak this code to be able to check the memory usage of my child processes at regular intervals (e.g. 1 second).

This is the first time I’ve used both subprocess and psutil, so it’s hard for me to understand how to use it properly.

Note: The here is not interesting

import numpy
import time

result = []
for i in range(10240):


Let the program sleep in a while loop for 1 second

import time

while process.poll() is None:

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