Python – TensorFlow 2.0 : Function with @tf. Function decorators do not take numpy functions

TensorFlow 2.0 : Function with @tf. Function decorators do not take numpy functions… here is a solution to the problem.

TensorFlow 2.0 : Function with @tf. Function decorators do not take numpy functions

I’m writing a function to implement a model in TensorFlow 2.0. It takes image_batch (a batch of image data in numpy RGB format) and performs some specific data augmentation tasks I need. The line that is causing my problem is:

def augment_data(image_batch, labels):
    import numpy as np
    from tensorflow.image import flip_left_right

image_batch = np.append(image_batch, flip_left_right(image_batch), axis=0)

[ ... ]

numpy's .append() function no longer works when I put the @tf.function decorator on it. It returns:

ValueError: zero-dimensional arrays cannot be concatenated

When I use the np.append() command outside of the function, or when there is no @tf.function at the top, the code runs without problems.

Is this normal? Am I forced to remove the decorator to make it work? Or is this a bug because TensorFlow 2.0 is still in beta? In this case, how do I fix it?


Simply wrap numpy ops into tf.py_function

def append(image_batch, tf_func):
    return np.append(image_batch, tf_func, axis=0)

def augment_data(image_batch):
    image = tf.py_function(append, inp=[image_batch, tf.image.flip_left_right(image_batch)], Tout=[tf.float32])
    return image

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