Java – Are there any JavaFX GUI generators?

Are there any JavaFX GUI generators?… here is a solution to the problem.

Are there any JavaFX GUI generators?

I tried NetBeans for JavaFX but it’s really unstable, a lot of things change frequently, and it doesn’t change as NetBeans builds nightly. Also, I’m concerned that JavaFX will remain or be deprecated by Oracle.

So, I was wondering if there was something else that could be done in a more advanced way to JavaFX UI design as an alternative tool to NetBeans for JavaFX.

Question: Are there any good JavaFX GUI builders that can generate readable code without causing confusion?

Thanks in advance.

For example:


You can try creating FXML files visually using JavaFX Scene Builder. FXML files are the “UI” of your application! JavaFX Scene Builder is only available for JavaFX 2.0!

Here is the documentation:

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