Java – Check if notifications for my application are running

Check if notifications for my application are running… here is a solution to the problem.

Check if notifications for my application are running

Is there a way to programmatically check if my application’s notifications are currently running (displaying)?

That is, calledNotificationManager.notify().


Is there a way I can check programatically whether my app’s notification is currently running(shown)?


That is to say that NotificationManager.notify() was invoked.

You called notify(). Therefore, you already know if the is called notify(). You also know whether cancel() cancelAll()your code is calling or . You will also go through various PendingIntents and signs to see Notification if disappears based on user actions. Therefore, you yourself have all the information to determine if Notification it is on the screen or not.

However, savvy developers will write their apps without caring if theyNotification are on screen.

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