Java – How do I create a partition table in BigQuery from Java?

How do I create a partition table in BigQuery from Java?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I create a partition table in BigQuery from Java?

I want to create a partitioned table (partitioned by fields of type DATE) from java in BigQuery. I searched a lot but didn’t have much information about this. The code I used is

        TimePartitioning timePartitioning = TimePartitioning.of(TimePartitioning.Type.DAY);
        TableDefinition tableDefinition = StandardTableDefinition.newBuilder().setSchema(schema2).setTimePartitioning(timePartitioning).build();
        TableInfo tableInfo = TableInfo.newBuilder(tableId, tableDefinition).build();

Here, I have a few questions

  1. Even if we want to partition by date, should we use TimePartitioning?
  2. I can’t see the column names near “Partition Fields” in the BigQuery user interface. I used this As a reference. I have to use the TimePartitioning class instead of TimePartitioningBuilder because setTimePartitioning() only accepts TimePartitioning.


The easiest way to do this is to issue a standard query – if you can query from Java (have you already done this?). ), just send a query like this:

CREATE TABLE `project.dataset.table`
   x INT64 OPTIONS(description="An optional INTEGER field"),
   y STRUCT<
     a ARRAY<STRING> OPTIONS(description="A repeated STRING field"),
     b BOOL
   date_column DATE
PARTITION BY date_column
CLUSTER BY i_recommend_you_to_choose_a_clustering_column

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