Java – How do I get all the Assets in a collection in AEM?

How do I get all the Assets in a collection in AEM?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I get all the Assets in a collection in AEM?

I’m trying to get all Assets in an AEM collection given the collection path.

Suppose the path to the collection is

I need to get all the Assets in this collection.

I checked under content/dam/collections that Assets are not stored in this location

I even tried writing a query in AEM’s query builder that gives type:dam:asset
and Path: Location of the collection

I can’t get any results.

I just need to get all the Assets under the collection in Java or QueryBuilder


Storing Assets in a collection is not a good idea because Assets can be part of multiple collections. Just like in a playlist, Assets are referenced only in collections.

Each collection has a child node “sling:members”. This child node has a (multivalued) property, sling:resources, which holds a reference to each Assets of that collection member.
Most importantly, sling:members also have child nodes of type nt:unstructured, and each Assets has the properties sling:resource and assets path.

enter image description here

Therefore, you can iterate over property values or child nodes to get references to Assets and then access them in their original locations.


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