Java – How do I modify the BuildConfig .java in my Android project?

How do I modify the BuildConfig .java in my Android project?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I modify the BuildConfig .java in my Android project?

I’m participating in an online class and I have these lines of code:

String baseUrl = "";
String apiKey = "&APPID=" + BuildConfig.OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API_KEY;
URL url = new URL(baseUrl.concat(apiKey));

Therefore, the API key obviously must be set in the file.

I’m trying to do this by adding this line of code to the file :

public static final String OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API_KEY = 111111111111111111;

The first problem is that the string is saved without quotes and does not let me compile.

The second major problem is that I can no longer modify the file. Every time I remove the line or add those missing quotes, and then try to compile, the line reverts to its defective version and compilation stops.

When I try to modify the, I also get this message: “The generated source file should not be edited. Changes are lost when the source is generated. ”

Any help is welcome.


The values in BuildConfig come from the build system. Custom BuildConfig values such as OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API_KEY come from the buildConfigField statement in the build.gradle file. The file is not in your build/ directory; The files there are generated by the build process and cannot be modified manually. Instead, check your build.gradle file and find the location where the API key is defined.

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