Java – How do I parse nested json files if I have a lot of secondary fields?

How do I parse nested json files if I have a lot of secondary fields?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I parse nested json files if I have a lot of secondary fields?


tried to parse a json file with gson and I found multiple solutions. But my question is, I have a lot of areas? Actually write them all inside the class. How do I get the information inside the car + color without creating a class with name1 – name564?
Here is an example json: ́



You can use maps for mapping. Here’s the code to parse the example:

class JsonRoot {
    Map<String, JsonName> test;

class JsonName {
    String number;
    String color;
    Map<String, Integer> cars;

JsonRoot jsonRoot;
Gson gson = new Gson();
try (BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("test.json"))) {
    jsonRoot = gson.fromJson(reader, JsonRoot.class);

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