Java – How do I prevent theme.dialog activity from allowing outside touch?

How do I prevent theme.dialog activity from allowing outside touch?… here is a solution to the problem.

How do I prevent theme.dialog activity from allowing outside touch?

I have an activity that uses the Theme.Dialog style. Here is the popup of my quiz game for incorrect answers. But I have a question. The user can click outside of the pop-up dialog topic Activity and click the next question. How can this be prevented? I blocked the back button and it worked great.
Also, when the user clicks on the pop-up window or its outside, it starts calculating the open time again. My popup stays open for 2500 milliseconds. How can it be prevented?

So, basically I don’t want to allow any clicks outside of my popup, nor do I want to reset my delay time when someone taps the screen.

The code for the pop-up window is as follows:

public class WrongAnswer extends Activity{
    MediaPlayer sound;
    TextView wrong;
    String correctAnswer, correct;

public final int delayTime = 2500;
    private Handler myHandler = new Handler();

public void onUserInteraction(){
        myHandler.postDelayed(closePopup, delayTime);
    private Runnable zatvoriPopup = new Runnable(){
        public void run(){

    public void onBackPressed() {


    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
         TODO Auto-generated method stub


Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); 
        if(extras !=null) {
           tacno = extras.getString("correctAnswer");


myHandler.postDelayed(closePopup, delayTime);


private void inicijalizujVarijable() {
        wrong = (TextView) findViewById(;
        wrong.setText("Wrong answer!\nCorrect answer is:\n\n" + correct);

My activity in the list:

                <action android:name="com.myquiz.myquizgame.WRONGANSWER" />

<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />


If I heard correctly, this question has already been asked. This is answer, according to which you need to call the setter method on the activity, which will close your activity dialog:


Hope this helps.

Second, every time the user touches the WrongAnswer activity — you start a new deferred task and cancel the previous task here:

public void onUserInteraction() {
    myHandler.postDelayed(zatvoriPopup, delayTime);

That’s why there’s something wrong with your timer

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