Java – How to display the upload progress bar in each line of the listView?

How to display the upload progress bar in each line of the listView?… here is a solution to the problem.

How to display the upload progress bar in each line of the listView?

I want to set a progress bar in each row of the ListView. A progress bar should start or show the progress of uploading the file. I want to set this progress bar in each row of the ListView. The progress bar will be the start progress after completing a progress, one after the other.


First, you

need to create a custom ArrayAdapter and add a progress bar for each element, which you can achieve to your bloated layout by adding a ProgressBar. After that you’ll want to capture the upload listener so you can hear the progress and update the progress bar. If you want them to upload one at a time, I recommend adding a variable to your object or creating an ArrayList<Boolean>. Check that the previous element has been uploaded.

Example of how to create an ArrayAdapter
It also shows how to create a layout for the rows you want to inflate.

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