Java – How to put multiple application classes in separate jars in one application in android

How to put multiple application classes in separate jars in one application in android… here is a solution to the problem.

How to put multiple application classes in separate jars in one application in android

I have an Appp class that extends from Application and calls Appp in list.

There are two other jars, each of whom the author says refers to as application tags in the list.

According to how to handle Multiple application classes in android problem, to have multiple application classes extended from Application, we should extend some application classes from another application class and call the upper class in the list.

But in my case, I don’t have resources, only jars. What can I do?!


The solution is that you should extend one of your application classes from the upper-level class (either from the application class or one of the application classes that extends itself from the application class (they are in the chain).

There is a problem, you should create an appp class that extends from soomla, then extends soomla from push, then pushes from the Application class, and then sets the push class in list.

public appp extends Soomla{


public soomla extends Push{


public push extends Application{


In mainfest.xml:


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