Java – Is there a better Java CLI debugger tool than jdb?

Is there a better Java CLI debugger tool than jdb?… here is a solution to the problem.

Is there a better Java CLI debugger tool than jdb?

I have successfully debugged an Android application using jdb today. But I found JDB to be less usable than GDB for me: JDB offers far less convenience and features than GDB.

Is there a better Java debugger to choose from in command line mode? Preferably this would be as powerful, convenient and practical as gdb for regular programs, but for Java.

Again, I’m not interested in anything in some IDEs. This requires a command-line tool like gdb. I use vim to edit my code, not the IDE.


<a href=”” rel=”noreferrer noopener nofollow”>rlwrap-jdb as in The wrapper described in this related post is just a wrapper for JDB, but brings it closer to the GDB experience. From rlwrap-jdb

rlwrap-jdb is a rearguard effort to make jdb almost usable. It uses to rlwrap not to add not only command-line editing and history, but (using rlwrap’s nifty filter mechanism) handy aliases, command repetition, and completion of breakpoints and variables .

To use it, simply add rlwrap-jdb to your jdb command: rlwrap-jdb jdb….

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