Java – Maven Android Failure: The POM for com. :google-play-services:jar:13. 0.0 is missing, no dependency information available

Maven Android Failure: The POM for com. :google-play-services:jar:13. 0.0 is missing, no dependency information available… here is a solution to the problem.

Maven Android Failure: The POM for com. :google-play-services:jar:13. 0.0 is missing, no dependency information available

This is the error I encountered in my current Maven Android project.

The POM for is missing, no dependency information available

I’ve tried reinstalling Google Play Services from SDK Manager and running mnv clean install still doesn’t work.

Know how to solve this problem.


You need to make sure that maven has access to the repository where you can find the artifact. For example, maven central does not contain that artifact.

I want settings.xml or pom.xml to contain some sections to define where to look for it.

If you can execute the maven command, try mvn help:effective-settings
and: MVN Help: Effective-Pom
That should show up some repositories.

Another problem may be that if you fall behind one and you need to configure a proxy server for Maven.

Is the message a warning or an error? Because some artifacts don’t have pom.xml it’s also common. So if this is a warning, but everything else works fine, ignore it 🙂

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