Java – Unexpected markup in kotlin (using ; Separate expressions on the same line)

Unexpected markup in kotlin (using ; Separate expressions on the same line)… here is a solution to the problem.

Unexpected markup in kotlin (using ; Separate expressions on the same line)

I used Kotlin in my

android project, it was developed on Java, and I used Kotlin data classes in my service layer

Now I want to add alternate labels in the serialization

@SerializedName(value="name", alternate={"person", "user"}) val title:String,

This gave me an unexpected token problem, which seems to be coming from Kotlin’s side

This seems to be a kotlin issue, can someone point me to the problem


I think this will get the job done :

@SerializedName(value="name", alternate=arrayOf("person", "user")) val title:String

The Kotlin compiler treats alternate={“person”, “user”} as alternate={"person", "user"} function type .

Edited by 1blustone:

In Kotlin 1.2, this can be > by are implemented, but only in comments:

@SerializedName(value = "name", alternate = ["person", "user"]) val title:String