Java – What is a good way to store Location objects?

What is a good way to store Location objects?… here is a solution to the problem.

What is a good way to store Location objects?

I want to store a Location object and am trying to choose a good way to implement it. I only have a small object and I need it to be private, so by far SharedPreferences or internal storage makes the most sense to me.

I see that an object can be written to a bytearray, stored as a String in SharedPreferences, then written back to an object as described here .

Is this a reasonable approach? Is there a better way?

Thanks for any suggestions.


When saving simple data, I prefer to use JSON objects because the code is simpler and easier to understand for future maintainers than manipulating byte arrays. Since the object is small, the size loss of using strings instead of byte arrays is not significant.

private static final String LATITUDE = "";
private static final String LONGITUDE = "";

 * Save a location/key pair.
 * @param key the key associated with the location
 * @param location the location for the key
 * @return true if saved successfully false otherwise
public boolean saveLocation(String key, Location location) {"Saving location");
    try {
        JSONObject locationJson = new JSONObject();

locationJson.put(LATITUDE, location.getLatitude());
        locationJson.put(LONGITUDE, location.getLongitude());
        other location data
        SharedPreferences.Editor edit = preferences.edit();
        edit.putString(key, locationJson.toString());
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        LOG.error("JSON Exception", e);
        return false;
    }"Location {}  saved successfully at key: {}", preferences.getString(key, null),key);
    return true;

 * Gets location data for a key.
 * @param key the key for the saved location
 * @return a {@link Location} object or null if there is no entry for the key
public Location getLocation(String key) {"Retrieving location at key {} ", key);
    try {
        String json = preferences.getString(key, null);

if (json != null) {
            JSONObject locationJson = new JSONObject(json);
            Location location = new Location(STORAGE);
  "Returning location: {}" , location);
            return location;
    } catch (JSONException e) {
        LOG.error("JSON Exception", e);

LOG.warn("No location found at key {}",  key);
    or throw exception depending on your logic
    return null;

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