Java – exception; Request properties cannot be set after the connection is established; Happens on Android Lollipop HTC M8

exception; Request properties cannot be set after the connection is established; Happens on Android Lollipop HTC M8… here is a solution to the problem.

exception; Request properties cannot be set after the connection is established; Happens on Android Lollipop HTC M8

I’m using Soap a request to call Java Web 服务from Android an application. There is a specific method that can be called through the app, and it works fine on almost all devices and versions of Android Samsung Lollipop until Kit Kat > devices as well, but not for HTC M8 Lollipop update devices.
Below is my code.

HttpTransportSE ht = new HttpTransportSE("URL");
SoapObject so = new SoapObject("Namespace", "Method");
try {
    SoapSerializationEnvelope se = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
    so.addProperty("input1", data);
    data = se.getResponse().toString();//This is where Exception occurs

}catch(Exception ex){

OccursException when trying to get the response indicated by the comment, exactlyException as follows.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set request property after connection is made
at org.ksoap2.transport.ServiceConnectionSE.setRequestProperty(

I’ve been looking for this but can’t find a suitable answer or workaround.

I looked for it
Ksoap2 Android IllegalStateException
setRequestProperty method giving java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set method after connection is made

I don’t know why it appears in HTC M8 Lollipop devices, but not in Samsung Lollipop devices.
Any suggestions or workarounds are greatly appreciated.
Thank you


I think this would explain the problem. Look for the 4th particle in the thread.

It says,

Ahh.. they might have added ksoap2 android in their firmware.. that
would explain it. Not sure that is anything you can do beyond shading
the whole ksoap2-android package you use and any dependencies into
your own namespace. A rather huge undertaking..

There are two things you can do to determine exactly if this is the problem.

  1. Try renaming ksoap2 Class Name
  2. Accessksoap2 the class directly before the name.

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