Linux – Can you load a tree structure in memory with a Linux shell?

Can you load a tree structure in memory with a Linux shell?… here is a solution to the problem.

Can you load a tree structure in memory with a Linux shell?

I want to create an application with a Linux shell script like this – but can I?

This application creates a tree that contains the data. The tree should be loaded into memory. The tree can be read (loaded into memory) from any other external Linux script.

  • Is it possible to use a Linux shell?
  • If yes, how do you do it?
  • Any simple examples?


There are a lot of misunderstandings in the question.

Each process usually has its own memory; There is no easy way to load a “tree” into one process’s memory and make it available to all other processes. You might design a system of related programs that knows the shared memory segment that contains the tree (somehow — there is a problem there), but that’s it. They are special programs, not general shell scripts. This does not meet your “any other external Linux scripts” requirements.

What you’re looking for is simply not available in a Linux shell infrastructure. This answers your first question; Given the answer to the first one, the other two have no practical significance.

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