Linux – Git Install Script How to enter shell commands

Git Install Script How to enter shell commands… here is a solution to the problem.

Git Install Script How to enter shell commands

This is more of a Git-related issue than OpenShift.
When I use git to push files to a git server, I see that the file permissions for my perl index.cgi file change to 700 in my openshift repository.
So every time I do a push, I have to log in to the server using ssh and do chmod a+x index in my $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DYR.cgi change it to 755

I read in the

git docs that a hook can be added, and I tried updating the post-update script in the hooks directory with the following command

exec chmod a+x $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/index.cgi

However, this does not seem to have worked.

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?
How do I make sure I don’t have to change chmod every time I push a file?

How to execute shell commands via git install script (I don’t know what an install script is, I think it means Hook).

Based on the following suggestion, I thought I needed to add a hook to the server, so I tried, but got an error

$ git add .git/hooks/post-update
Error: Invalid path '.git/hooks/post-update'
Error: Unable to add .git/hooks/post-update to index

So I tried some options that used action hooks by using local .openshift/ Place a Start in the action_hooks directory.

The command I’m trying to use is
exec chmod a+x register.cgi and even chmod a+x register.cgi

Bad luck. Any input. I’m going to use it as a separate q against actionhooks.


This is more of a git related question than openshift.

In fact, it’s more closely related to openshift than to Git: Git only records 644 and 755 permissions

But the target system that manages checkouts (and updates the work tree) sets permissions based on default umask. (In your case it could be 077).
Make sure that the default umask is 022.

Regarding the Hook, check its name (‘post-update‘, no extension) and permissions (it must be executable, 755 would be useful).

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