Linux – qmake uses an incorrect Qt installation path on Linux

qmake uses an incorrect Qt installation path on Linux… here is a solution to the problem.

qmake uses an incorrect Qt installation path on Linux

I compiled qt (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4) using:

./configure --prefix=/edrive/local/qt
gmake && gmake install

When I want to create a new project with qmake, create a makefile with the wrong path and point to the wrong binary and library directories:

> qmake -query "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"

In the makefile





User Interface:


These are obviously wrong because qt is installed in /edrive/local/qt.

Is there a way to fix this other than manually modifying the qt config file?
Am I doing something wrong?

By the way, it’s choosing the right qmake:

> which qmake


You can change the value in the following ways:

# qmake -set VARIABLE VALUE

i.e. in your case:

# qmake -set QT_INSTALL_PREFIX /edrive/local/qt

Although from your qmake location, you called the wrong qmake.

/edrive/local/qt/bin/qmake -query "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"

I feel like you also have 2 Qt installed.

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