Java – After upgrading from 5.2.12 to hibernate 5.3.4, the Hibernate ColumnTransformer stopped working

After upgrading from 5.2.12 to hibernate 5.3.4, the Hibernate ColumnTransformer stopped working… here is a solution to the problem.

After upgrading from 5.2.12 to hibernate 5.3.4, the Hibernate ColumnTransformer stopped working

I have an entity class with a field annotated with @ColumnTransformer

@Column(name = "CURRENCY_CODE_ID")
   read = "(SELECT cc.code FROM currency_code AS cc WHERE cc.currency_code_id = currency_code_id)",
   write = "(COALESCE((SELECT cc.currency_code_id FROM currency_code AS cc WHERE cc.code = ?),0))")
public String currency;

In hibernate

5.2.12 it worked fine, but after upgrading to hibernate 5.3.4.Final it suddenly crashed and I was generating the following query

campaign0_.campaign_group_id as campaign3_33_,
(SELECT cc.code FROM public.currency_code AS cc 
    WHERE cc.campaign0_.currency_code_id = campaign0_.currency_code_id) as currency4_33_,
campaign0_.date_created as date_cre5_33_,

So in the where clause, cc.currency_code_id = currency_code_id is replaced with cc.campaign0_.currency_code_id 。 So basically the generated table name campaign0_ is injected between the alias and column name of the table. Not sure how it happened and what the workaround was. I did search but so far nothing.


is also no mention in the migration guide –


Finally, after a lot of debugging and research, I found the bug reported for the 5.* release series –

Looks like I have to use the forColumn configuration, I tried it and it worked, but it’s a bit weird. Work from multiple combinations of capitalization

    @Column(name = "CURRENCY_CODE_ID")
            forColumn = "CURRENCY_CODE_ID",
            read = "(SELECT cc.code FROM currency_code AS cc WHERE cc.CURRENCY_CODE_ID = currency_code_id)",
            write = "(COALESCE((SELECT cc.currency_code_id FROM currency_code AS cc WHERE cc.code = ?),0))")
    public String currency;

As you can see, I added forColumn = “CURRENCY_CODE_ID” as capitalization and cc.CURRENCY_CODE_ID as uppercase, so it skipped it. So the behavior is still a bit quirky m but works in the list

The result of the resulting is

            public.currency_code AS cc 
            cc.CURRENCY_CODE_ID = campaign0_.currency_code_id) as currency4_33_,

This also works, so it looks like a caps issue. The witch saved me

    @Column(name = "currency_code_id")
            forColumn = "currency_code_id",
            read = "(SELECT cc.code FROM currency_code AS cc WHERE cc.CURRENCY_CODE_ID = currency_code_id)",
            write = "(COALESCE((SELECT cc.currency_code_id FROM currency_code AS cc WHERE cc.code = ?),0))")
    public String currency;

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