Java – Apache Camel escapes double curly braces

Apache Camel escapes double curly braces… here is a solution to the problem.

Apache Camel escapes double curly braces

I’m using Apache Camel, and I have an endpoint that contains double curly braces.

For example: " endpoint {{ valueToBeOverriden }}".

When I call the following statement, it throws ResolveEndpointFailedException.

camelContext.getEndpoint(" endpoint {{ valueToBeOverriden }}")

I noticed that the problem is double curly braces: {{.

How can I escape them?
Do you have any ideas?

Thank you


Did you create PropertiesComponent for Camel contexts?

For example:

Configure the PropertiesComponent in Spring XML

<camelContext ... >
    <propertyPlaceholder id="properties" location="com/mycompany/"/>

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