Java – Eclipse SDK Manager is not displayed

Eclipse SDK Manager is not displayed… here is a solution to the problem.

Eclipse SDK Manager is not displayed


am using Windows-7 64-bit and I have installed this (jdk-7u45-windows-x64) updated JDK on my system. My SDK has been updated to API level 18 (Android 4.3).

When I click the SDK Manager in Eclipse, it doesn’t start. I also tried opening it directly with admin privileges. But it didn’t start. I have tried setting the variable path like this.
enter image description here enter image description here
But I always get such errors.
enter image description here

After I found out that I got the java path from windows\system32 in my find_java.exe, it looked like this< img alt="enter image description here" src=""/>


How to set the Java path to the installed Java folder.

It takes some people’s help to solve this problem. For reference, please also check out this link.
SDK manager not starting


When setting the environment variable, try to point the JAVA_HOME variable to the bin directory.

Because Android checks the Java .exe in a specific path.

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