Java – How to add user_photos permission to get Facebook album photos in Android?

How to add user_photos permission to get Facebook album photos in Android?… here is a solution to the problem.

How to add user_photos permission to get Facebook album photos in Android?

I’m using the Facebook Android SDK to access a user’s Facebook album and an intern to get photos.
But when I execute “" +wallAlbumID+"/photos?access_token="+facebook.getAccessToken(), it returns blank data. {"data":[]}

I read in stackoverflow question Alsoin Graph API for Photo, I need to grant user_photos when creating a facebook object Permissions.
I don’t know how to do it. I read a lot of forums and looked at the SOFs but couldn’t find a solution.

This is how I created the Facebook object

facebook = new Facebook(APP_ID);

Can anyone help me with this.


You need to create an ArrayList for the permissions you want to access. For example, when I do it, when I declare variables.

private static final String[] PERMISSIONS = { "user_photos" };

Then, when implementing the user login area:

if (!facebook.isSessionValid()) {
    facebook.authorize(this, PERMISSIONS, new LoginDialogListener());

Hope this helps!

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